Kurt Steinbrueck's Article in SEO
What is SEO?
SEO, SEM, Search Engine Optimization, and Search Engine Marketing are all terms tossed around by online marketers, but most non-techy people don’t know what those terms means. So, what is SEO? This article will explain it.
Posted on Mar-24-2009
How Do Search Engines Work?
One of the biggest reasons why many organizations are not doing even simple things to help people find their websites in search engines is they simply don’t understand how search engines work. This article will explain the basics of how search engines work and shatter some search engine myths and help you understand what you can do to help people find your website in search engines.
Posted on Mar-24-2009
Barna: Church Internet Use Continues to Lag
According to a study published a few months ago by The Barna Group, churches continue to lag behind in their use of Internet technology. Why are churches lagging so far behind?
Posted on Mar-20-2009
Is Church Marketing Evil?
There are those out there who think church marketing is by its very nature, just plain wrong. Others, on the other hand, spend thousands of dollars a month on church marketing. So, what is it? Is church marketing a good idea? Or is church marketing evil?
Posted on Mar-19-2009
Is Church Marketing Dead?
There are those who think that church marketing has run its course. Churches have done so many catchy and shocking ad campaigns that they have started to loose effect. At the same time, some churches are spending thousands of dollars a month on church marketing. Is all the money going to waste? Is church marketing dead?
Posted on Mar-18-2009
How People Find a New Church
In the past when a family was looking for a church they would talk to their friends or maybe check the yellow pages for churches in their area. Then they might visit several of those churches until they find one they like. Over the last several years Internet search engines have made tremendous improvements in what is called local search and now search engines are the main way people look for a church. So, how does that work?
Posted on Mar-17-2009